City of Toledo: Bay View Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements 47B

Toledo, Ohio

As part of the Toledo Waterways Initiative, Mosser constructed the new wet weather facility which provides high rate clarification to allow the plant to quickly combine storm and sanitary flows. The Waterways Initiative is the City of Toledo’s 15-year program to improve its aging sewer system and comply with an EPA mandate. Mosser’s portion of the project, the Wet Weather Treatment Mooring Basin/Effluent Channel, was the most technically-challenging segment of the program. The completed project expanded capacity from 195 million gallons per day (mgd) to 400 mgd. The project included:

  • Ballasted floc and chemical storage facility
  • Wet weather chlorine contact tank
  • Wet weather sampling building
  • Wet weather effluent conduit
  • Mooring basin

At the time of construction, the facility was the largest high rate clarification system for wet weather treatment in North America.