Johnson Controls: Battery Plant Expansion

Holland, Ohio

Mosser built the 220,000 sf addition to Johnson Controls’ existing plant in
10 months—including design!

Mosser was awarded the battery plant expansion project on August 1, and immediately began design. Site-work began in late August. The new facility received partial occupancy by mid-March and the project was completed by the end of May. The owner-furnished equipment deliveries and installation followed partial occupancy. Much of the sloped floors contained trenches, sumps, pits, acid brick, epoxy flooring, and polished concrete.

The Johnson Controls plant had existing overhead high voltage lines providing power for around-the-clock production operations. Temporary underground high voltage lines had to be installed to continue operations during construction. The locations of both the new temporary and new permanent power had to be relocated to avoid existing and future locations of fire water, fire pump house, sanitary and storm lines as well as building and crane foundations, recessed slabs, deep sumps and underground containment pits for storage tanks.

“Mosser has to be the most honest and fairest company I have ever had the opportunity to work with. Great Job!”

 Anthony Sinacola, Manager/Owner’s Representative at Johnson Controls, Inc.