Jennifer Cleveland
As most of you know, October is breast cancer awareness month. But what you may not know is that one of our own, Jennifer Cleveland, Mosser’s Executive Administrative Assistant, has been fighting cancer for almost a year now. Aside from her executive duties at Mosser and being the Administrative Team Leader and serving on the ESOP Committee as Chairperson, she is also fighting two different kinds of cancer, which is very rare.
Jennifer’s diagnosis came after a routine breast exam with no prior symptoms and no family history. This is why she wants everyone to know how important screening is. Lucky for Jennifer, she was able to be diagnosed at an early stage in both types of cancers and is undergoing treatment. Her fight isn’t over, she will continue to get screenings and treatments for the next ten years. Her hope is that her story will encourage others to have courage to get your annual screening. Cancer affects everyone and when we stand up to cancer no one stands alone. When you see Jennifer wearing pink, she isn’t doing it for herself, she says, “I’m doing it for everyone fighting breast cancer”.
Jennifer couldn’t have asked for a better partner in this fight, her husband of 22 years, T.J. He has been right alongside her every step of the way. He even believes it has profoundly changed hum. Together with her faith, she is up for the challenge. Another cheerleader in Jennifer’s life is her daughter, Kylee (17). Kylee, a senior at Old Fort High School, has supported her mom and even helped with her school’s breast cancer fundraisers. Jennifer’s camping trips and little get-aways with her family are a little sweaters since her family doesn’t take one minute of their time together or granted. Jennifer says that cancer has brought her family even closer together.
Jennifer still finds time to give back and is very active in her faith. She volunteers at the kids check in and in the nursery at Victory Church in Fremont. Thank you, Jennifer, for everything you do for Mosser but most of all, thank you for reminding us that no one stands alone. Your Mosser family wears pink for you Jennifer!