Mosser Co-Op Details the Impact of COVID-19 on Her Education
Madilyn Slingwine’s freshman year at Bowling Green State University was not exactly what she was expecting. She, like many other students around the world, faced a lot of difficult changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the more disappointing changes for Madilyn being the University announced that students would be unable to return for spring semester classes after spring break.
Madilyn is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Construction Management. As her first Co-Op rotation, Mosser has been introducing her to important hands-on skills and programs to help prepare her for a career in the construction industry after graduation.
Madilyn recently shared her transition to a “new normal” of online collegiate education and first-time Co-Op:

“I soon figured out that I spent much less time on school work with everything being online – mostly because I was able to work in a quiet area and really focus.”
Madilyn’s initial reaction when she heard her freshman year of college was going to be cut short was that she was quite upset. She was going to miss her friends and her membership in student organizations like the Student Construction Management Association. Some of her classes, such as Intro to Construction, also presented challenges when converted into an online course. Due to the hands on nature of the course, Madilyn said she missed out on a lot of great opportunities to learn about vertical construction and other types of building projects.
However, not all was lost. New opportunities like spending a lot more time with family was a perk she quickly found during quarantine. Many of her general education courses seemed to get easier after moving exclusively online. She continued to explain that “[after moving to online courses] I did not have to sit through boring lectures. Well, at least not as many of them. I soon figured out that I spent much less time on schoolwork with everything being online – mostly because I was able to work in a quite area and really focus.”
Bowling Green State University also relaxed their Co-Op requirements to allow students to safely and effectively fulfill those demands.
“If anything, being at Mosser during this crazy time, shows me, as a co-op, that having people around you in the workforce who are willing to help and support you in any way they can is a blessing.”
Deemed an essential business during Ohio’s Stay at Home Order, Mosser had been able, and continues, to remain safely operational during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, Madilyn was still able to begin her co-op with our Highway Department and work the same number of hours as first discussed when she accepted her position. With the opportunity to work remotely if necessary, Mosser has provided Madilyn and all Mosser Co-Ops with the resources necessary to safely learn and work as “normally” as possible.
With a company culture that encourages teamwork and an open, friendly environment, Madilyn was happy to share that her Mosser co-workers and supervisor have been nothing but welcoming, understanding, and helpful, adding that, “Finding different solutions and working through unique challenges that can be thrown at you are much easier to solve when you have others around you who are willing to help.”
As it turns out, finding solutions to unique challenges just happens to be what Mosser does best!