Toledo Public Schools: Start High School

Toledo, Ohio

Start High School is not one building, but rather a campus that is actually three buildings extending from a radius. The intricate project included constructing part of the school, moving students, and then demolishing a part of the existing school to keep the project moving as it transformed from a comprehensive high school into small learning academies, each based on a different career pathway.

The Start High School campus is built over Shantee Creek which required re-routing of 875 feet of the creek in order to preserve the creek and its surroundings. In addition to Mosser’s work as General Trades Prime Contractor, Mosser built two bridges over Shantee Creek.  The largest bridge became part of the foundation structure for the school and the second bridge is used for student traffic to access the campus.

Extensive masonry work, self-performed in spite of Northwest Ohio’s winter conditions, as well as innovative engineering within the masonry requirements to ensure required access, added to the complexity of this project.